Saturday, 28 April 2012

Greener Than Green

It's been raining relentlessly now for about two weeks and the normal order of things has been restored.  The veggie patch has turned from dry barren wilderness to bog and my bike is still sulking, damply, in the corner. Last week there was a brief respite when it was dry enough to venture forth and so I set off to see Bob, who is working a few kilometres away on the top secret "Project X".  Desperate to distract myself from creaking knees and wheezing lungs as I pedalled up a seemingly endless hill, I began to marvel at the many wonderous shades of green the springtime produces.  The new beech leaves are so green they have an almost hallucinogenic quality, especially when contrasted against the dark and stormy skies. Or maybe, that was the lunch of wild mushrooms on toast. Or, lack of oxygen to the brain due to the exertion. Anyway, also showing off this week are the first of the hedgerow wild flowers: cowslips, bluebells, spurges and campions, brightening up the dullest of days...pretty but brazen. However, my personal favourites are the shy, retiring, lovely little violets....