As told by Pops the Cat..... "So, she turns up with this ugly mug dawg in tow - I'm out mousin' in the field and I hear the kerfuffle and sidle over to see what's afoot. Both of 'em have gone all gooey over this dawg - even my Master who, just hours earlier, had said it would never happen. They don't even really like dawgs. I slink off upstairs - they bring me up some of my Dreamies treats so I know they're trying to get round me - I can't believe they're gonna let 'im stay. She prints off some 'Chien Trouvé' posters with 'is gormless little mug on and I keep my claws crossed that someone'll claim 'im. They call 'im 'Skippy'. Barf. A few days later, he's still here and so I decide it's time to lay down a few ground rules. The first thing I do is, I go and take a sniff and a lick of his food bowl - he just whimpers and lays down flat so then I drink from his water bowl and he doesn't seem to mind that either. Dawgs are weird - stupid. He wants to be friends and comes up close so I give him a well placed cuff across the nose and he backs off, all meek like. I s'pose he's all right in small doses. He'll soon learn I run a fairly tight ship 'round here. And, he keeps the neighbour's cats at bay. So if there is anything good to be said for keeping a dawg - that'll be it.
Skip the Dog |
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